Monday, October 1, 2007

Reply to Wow my local camera store sucks (Henry's)

WAXY. posted a reply:

Thank you for the article and government resources. That's great!! I heard this recently from Nicolas but the links seal the deal. I'm definitely going to print this out and keep it with me when I travel to the US.

Also, I understand everyone's gripe about the seemingly non-existent service at local camera stores. I felt this same when I first got into photography. However, I now have a different take on it.

Over the last 10 years, I have been to many stores and the situation is usually the same, whether in Chicago, Toronto or Vancouver. While it may seem like the staff is snobby and ignoring you -- they are not. Rather, they are giving their utmost attention to the people currently being helped. When it is finally your turn, the light shines on you and you have the stage all to yourself without anybody telling you that your speech is too long or yanking you with a hook.

I have a hard time believing that the staff is not ignoring you or paying attention to someone else just because. They are just intensely focused on a person in front of you. Yes you can wait a long time. But, when it is your turn, you will get ALL of your questions answered, have tried a few lenses, and then you know that your difficult choices were well researched. It is similar to the analogy of focusing your camera something with an aperture of f/1.4. Only a small portion of the field (or the customers) is in focus while the rest is not. At the store, when it is your turn to speak with an employee, you essentially move from the bokeh to the area of sharp focus.

While I agree it can be annoying to wait, and maybe feel ignored, small camera stores are not a McDonalds. You are not buying a Big Mac. This is fancy and expensive new photography gear -- it's a much better happy meal. : )

Nevertheless, the Henry's situation seems pretty bad. The Camera Store in Calgary is great and so is Leo's Camera in Vancouver.

greer. The link to the pdf document says circular polarizers should be free of tariffs. :P

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