Tuesday, September 4, 2007

09/02/07: If you lose enough lens cleaners...

Over time I've accumulated a very nice selection of lens cleaning cloths...I have blue ones, yellow ones, white ones, even 18% grey ones. I suppose I just lost them long enough to miss them, bought new ones, and then found the missing ones. (And I never turn down a freebie when a vendor offers one! LOL)

Now I've gotten into the habit of storing a lens cloth in each of my lens pouches -- that way I don't lose them...clean the lens, put the lense cloth back in the pouch. I also tend to clean the lenses almost every time I pull them out of their pouches..."here's the lens, here's the cloth, let's just do a quick little wipe and wah-lah...I have a nice clean lens surface!"

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